‘Nobody can ignore the wider economic environment. To be more effective in your decision-making, you need economic knowledge, as well as a collection of tools and creative thought-processes to help you react and adapt to the economy. These are the skills that OUBEP teaches.’
Rui Esteves, OUBEP Senior Tutor
Benefits for the individual
Increased personal impact
Contribute to more powerful strategic decision-making through understanding the global economy and its interplay with finance, politics, and commerce.
New ways of thinking
Develop innovative problem-solving techniques to promote growth and overcome obstacles.
Broader perspectives
Learn from the experience and knowledge of fellow delegates, drawn from diverse international backgrounds and from a wide range of sectors.
A new network
Build strong connections with senior decision-makers, leaders and experts from around the world.
Readiness for senior leadership
Cultivate a long-term and ‘big picture’ outlook for improved business performance and sustainability.
Benefits for the organisation
Better decisions
Strengthen decision-making with models and frameworks for rigorous analysis and a global perspective.
Enhanced organisational knowledge
Embed economics knowledge in your discourse and practice.
Strong leadership pipeline
Prepare your high-potential executives and future leaders with enhanced critical thinking skills and a broad understanding of the context and systems within which you operate.
Committed top talent
Invest in your future leaders’ development and growth.
A more diverse network
Think outside the boundaries of your organisation, sector, and geography to innovate and build sustainability.
The Ultimate Leadership accelerator
At the core of the Oxford University Business Economics Programme is an intensive, one-week development course for the next generation of senior leaders. By combining high-calibre academic tuition, industry-leading keynote speakers, and a diverse group of delegates, OUBEP creates a dynamic space to explore economic theory and applications to help solve problems and create strategic impact.
More about The Summer Programme:

The OUBEP teaching faculty brings together academic and industry experts, who combine world-leading research with real-world experience. The faculty for 2019 are currently being finalised. The 2018 faculty are listed below.

Delegate Profiles
Delegates are carefully selected to create a diverse and international forum bringing perspectives and experience from every sector and continent. Those who attend are typically high-potential business executives and senior decision-makers in policy-making and NGO roles.